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Runes of Horror

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Food for Thought...

New Item Notes

1. Make equivelents of existing magic weapons and armor. Eg., bane sword, bane axe; Seeping Dagger

2. In order to create more items , esp. magic items, I should go through a table of character and item properties to be sure that nothing has been missed. Eg., item power: low medium high

HEALTH Potion of Health
Action Points Jufo Leaves +?
(VICES)                 (meditation skill)

Items: (like gem transform)
action points

3. Ideas:
-Spear of the Huntsman: originated in Morea. Bonus to attack roll.
- Smoking Pipe: doubles healing of certain herbs. DONE
-Check arms book for new weapons. Need pole arms.
-boar spear: enemies are stuck on the end and cannot move. Target gets agility check each round to see if they free themselves. If target is stuck user can "attack" vs no defense as they twist the blade in the wound. DONE

4. Weapons that can cast spells.
Frost sword - gives ice attack spell when equipped.
Hellfire Axe - gives fire damage for x turns.

5. Yuggoth Parasites - give some new abilities/stats when allowed to "attach" itsef to a character. DONE

6. Captured souls - I got this idea from a posting on the Crosscut RS forums:
"In Runequest, severed heads can be kept alive by certain evil cults and any skills and magics known may be partially used by the owner. The heads are alive in a sense. " - monty
You could catpure NPC's, take their heads and have them as "optional" skill sets usable by the head's "master".


runesword, rpg, role playing game, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, fantasy, warhammer, WebRPG, webrpg, GURP, games, science fiction, cyberpunk, convention, GM, gm, DM, dm, D&D, AD&D, card games, BattleTech, StarWars, dragon, hobby, hobbies, store,TSR, Hero, Palladium, CCG, FASA, White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, adventure, Runesword, runesowrd, rune, sword, runesword



I see you

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn.

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runesword, rpg, role playing game, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, fantasy, warhammer, WebRPG, webrpg, GURP, games, science fiction, cyberpunk, convention, GM, gm, DM, dm, D&D, AD&D, card games, BattleTech, StarWars, dragon, hobby, hobbies, store,TSR, Hero, Palladium, CCG, FASA, White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, adventure, Runesword, runesowrd, rune, sword, runesword