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Food for Thought...

Notes on RPG elements

*hunger and sleep - These make the party weaker but add a sense of realism. It could also be used as a plot point - eg., starving in prison, debilitated by exhustion on a forced march. You need to be sure to balance this with access to food (or maybe some sort of foraging skill used to find it) and some form of camping skill. Another, milder way of implimenting this is to let the player find food items which heal (thus "alieviating" hunger) and show/describe characters getting tired as their HP fall.

*"bridge" that opens path to next area only upon completion of certain conditions - At the heart of this plot development technique is the question of how the player is to be guided through the plot. On the one hand a game can be very linear - only after you kill the troll king will a bridge appear which lets the party access the next area. While this makes the game designer's job easier in that you will know that the party has obtained xyz item or they have competed a plot point and things now need to progress it produces very linear game play. Go to place A, kill the boss and move on to place B. This can get very frustrating for the players if they missed the clue in one place telling them where to go next. Personally, I'm prefer the fregdom to explore. I think that certain key or secret areas shuold be locked away, but I like the feeling of being able to explore on my own. If the designer has large areas made accessible at once (eg, traveling to a new island) the player can run around as they like. Traveling "out of order" will have the party run into monsters who outclass them and shops whose goods they can't yet afford, but that's the price of straying off the beaten path. Side-quests

*stores - Should a shop's variety be based on a constant list, include items the party has sold to that store or a combination thereof? I think a shop could be more realistic if on a regular basis it "restocks". Each week, say, the shop's items are deleted and replaced with new stock. The new stock would be based on a semi-random spread along with a couple of randomly chosen high-powered items. In this way the store simulates buying from and selling to a regular supplier. The player won't have to scroll through a list of stuff they got rid of every time they go to the store and have a chance to obtain different items over time. This would also held build a sense of time passing.

*magic items or improved weapons -availability -generation (via stats spread vs. being based on setting)

runesword, rpg, role playing game, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, fantasy, warhammer, WebRPG, webrpg, GURP, games, science fiction, cyberpunk, convention, GM, gm, DM, dm, D&D, AD&D, card games, BattleTech, StarWars, dragon, hobby, hobbies, store,TSR, Hero, Palladium, CCG, FASA, White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, adventure, Runesword, runesowrd, rune, sword, runesword



I see you

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn.

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runesword, rpg, role playing game, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, fantasy, warhammer, WebRPG, webrpg, GURP, games, science fiction, cyberpunk, convention, GM, gm, DM, dm, D&D, AD&D, card games, BattleTech, StarWars, dragon, hobby, hobbies, store,TSR, Hero, Palladium, CCG, FASA, White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, adventure, Runesword, runesowrd, rune, sword, runesword